Additel ADT 920/920HV
High Pressure Pneumatic Pressure Calibration Test Pump
- Generated pressure range -0.95 to +200 bar
- Weight 6.5 kg can be used as a portable or bench top pump
- Hand-tight quick connectors (no PTFE or spanners)
- Specially designed shut-off valve for stable pressure
Additel 920 High Pressure Pneumatic Calibration Test Pump is a hand operated pressure pump designed to generate pressure from 95% vacuum to 3,000psi (200bar). With a long lever, it just takes 40 seconds to reach 3,000 psi (200 bar).
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Speak to one of our experts to discover Chamois’ extensive experience in UKAS accredited pressure, electrical, mass, and temperature calibration (Lab no. 0822), as well as the supply of associated instrumentation.